Friday, September 19, 2008

Evacuation From Bolivia

The Plane
Mike ready to board

A few fellow volunteers

En Route to Lima

Hello Family and Friends,

First, thank you for all you support and prayers throughout our year plus in Bolivia. A few of you know the fate that has fallen upon us so quickly, our evacuation out of Bolivia. Peace Corps suspended our program after a series of violence, takeover of govt buildings by an opposition group, massacre of a confirmed 30 campasinos and an unconfirmed 100 more, expulsion of the US ambassador to Bolivia, and multiple death threats to Peace Corps volunteers and staff members in Bolivia.
We were consolidated in Cochabamba for three days starting Sept 12. Mike and I plus 2 other volunteers were picked up early morning of the 12 by a peace corps staff member in a land rover without saying goodbye to anyone in our community. At this point, for security reasons, we had to get out as soon as possible to cross the multiple road blockades on our 12 hour ride to the city. On Sunday the 14, we found out about our evacuation to Lima and half of our 120+ group of volunteers flew out that day. Mike and I were in the second group that flew out Monday. We were held up in the airport for 8 hours due to clearance reasons, the Bolivian govt thought we were trying to steal the military plane we were flying out on. Finally, we were loaded up on a C-130 US/Bolivia airforce plane with our 1 bag of luggage and took the 3.5 hour trip to Lima. As of now, we are working on Closing our Service and returning to the U.S..
There are many tempting offers to work around the world with Peace Corps, but we have chosen to return.So that's the short story. We are hoping to be back this Sunday in MT for Hanna's wedding on the 27th of Sept. Many of you we will see there and for the rest, hopefully we will see you soon.Again, thanks for your prayers and support over the last year. We are very sad to leave, among many other emotions that go along with a traumatic/dramatic life change. But on to the next adventure, Hanna's wedding:)

With Love From Lima,
Britt and Mike

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pat and Lindsey visit

We met Pat and Lindsey in Peru to visit Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley and Cusco in August. We stayed for 4 days and had a wonderful time. After our vacation in Peru we all flew to Bolivia to show Pat and Lindsey alittle bit of our life down there.
Pat and Lindseys arrival in Cusco

The Crew in Cusco

Lindsey and Pat on our Sacred Valley Tour

A photo op at Pisaq

Taking a much needed rest on the steps at Ollayatatambo

The Ladies at Machu Picchu

Macchu Picchu

Los Paquettes en Machu Picchu

Pat and I playing with the Llamas at Machu Picchu

Classic Machu Picchu Pic